Sunday 28 November 2010

Starting Soon: Santa Sketchfest 2010!

Santas 2010 teaser

I am deeply gratified whenever someone buys my book*, and it's nice at things like comics conventions or the upcoming launch party where I get to express my gratitude in person, and do sketches and what-have-you. However, I am well aware that not everyone lives in Oxford or chooses to spend their spare time going to UK comics conventions. This knowledge pains me, so I have come up with what will hopefully be a Fun Idea to thank people remotely. And in a TOTALLY CHRISTMASSY way.

(* it's called Mo-Bot High, it's pretty awesome, check it out, it's got robots in.)

For the last couple of years I have spent December drawing all kinds of Santas, and am gearing up for this year's effort. However, I thought this year I'd do something a little different. This time round, as well as accepting suggestions for Santas to draw, I will be sending the original artwork for each Santa, as a christmas card, to the person who suggested it!

In order to enter / be eligible, all you need to do is have bought my book. Simply use Twitter, Facebook or the comments on this very blog to say something like the following:

"Dear @neillcameron, I bought Mo-Bot High! Please draw me a Kung-Fu Santa THANKS LOVE YOU BYE"
...or similar. You can have whatever kind of Santa you like, or course. You might want to check the last couple of years' worth to check it isn't one I've drawn before. If you have no particular preference, just ask for Some Sort of Santa and I will try and come up with something suitably awesome. I'm planning to draw and post one Santa for every day of advent - i.e. 25 - but I've got 50 blank cards, so if demand should be high I'll try and get through as many as I can.

Santas 2010 teaser 2

Here are some of last year's Santas to get you started. Clockwise from top left, that's: Reanimated Hello Kitty Revenge-Bot Santa, Raptor Santa, Giant Robot Santa, Weird Total Recall Mutant Quatto Jesus Santa, Mr Darcy Santa, and of course Boba Fett Santa.

I guess it will have to be an honour system have no way of knowing whether people *actually* buy the book, but that's okay because fortunately I IMPLICITLY TRUST EVERYONE ON THE INTERNET. If you haven't yet bought my book, here is a web page telling you a bunch of places where you can do so. And if you have already bought it - well, thank you very much, firstly! I hope you enjoyed it. Now, why not buy another? It would make an excellent Christmas present. You know someone who likes robots, right?

First Santa will appear here on Wednesday 1st December! And then one a day till Karen Gillan Day! Which is to say, Christmas.

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